Product Photography / Graphic Design
Product Photography / Graphic Design


CRACKIN runs in real time, displaying the current level of activity at any given bar, restaurant, lounge, pub, nightclub, and everywhere else it's happening.
Posts, check-ins, hashtags, and other location services allow us to figure out where the party's at.
Live Feed | Check out what everyone is saying at any location. Add to the conversation by posting from Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Yelp, and others.

Filter | Find what your looking for with our activity filter. Compare different places based on how busy of a time you want.
Map | Browse different areas and places throughout the city to find what’s right for your night. The color of each icon tells you how busy each location is.

Recents | See where you've been recently, if you can't remember. See how lively these places are before heading back in.

Featured | Look at exclusive deals being offered. Going out is great, but spending less is even better.

This click-through prototype displays the flow for a new user.


Half of each hat contains a transparency gradient; moving downward the white opacity decreases.
At a height of 1.91'' and a width of 1.86'', each corner is softened by a 0.02'' rounding corner radius.

Arial is the predominant font used throughout the application. Various sizes, colors, and transparencies work in conjunction to direct the user flow.
This task is completed within the Search feature. The locations that do not match the search query are faded at a 50% transparency. Upon selecting the location, a pop-up appears with the location information.
When any feature is selected, the icon changes from blue to pink.
The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog
Cooper Black
The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog
Arial Bold
The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog